


  • Clothing and makeup stores
    One can find a myriad of clothing stores in Berlin, ranging from larger chains to boutiques. They shop at a multitude of stores including H&M, T.K.Maxx (Germany’s TJ Maxx), Intersport, Topshop and Gina Tricot. For makeup, women often go to Sephora and teenagers go to Dm, a drugstore chain.
  • Variety stores
    There are two modern European variety stores with everything you need and don’t need, but want to buy. They are Tiger, a Danish chain, and Hema, a Dutch chain. Specialty shops are abundant in Berlin and other German cities for items ranging from paper supplies to socks and everything in between.
  • Banks

    The most efficient way to bank is with an ATM card, or on-line. Germans find going to the bank a time-consuming process.

    Post Office

    The German post office or Deutsche Post, has gone through some changes over the past several decades, resulting in efficient, well-located, post offices throughout Germany. Mail sent from Germany to my home in the U.S. arrived in only five days. I don’t know if it is consistently this fast, but I was impressed and found them to be well-organized.
